Chris Basmajian / Work / |
False Binaries (Black & White) (Series) 2008 The works in this series capture live video of the viewer, and translate each grayscale pixel's binary representation (electronic data) into a black or white representation (visual) to create a binary (1-bit) image. These arbitrary translations introduce the difference between the two forms of representation as noise. Compared to a typical 1-bit threshold image, this noise can increase the image's perceptual resolution.
Demos: The downloadable demos below are Java applications created with Processing. A Mac with a good web camera (iSight recommended) is required to run them. Place the camera in a stationary position and in a well lit area |
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Cycling Sample Index For each new video frame a sample index increments, cycling from 0 to 7. The bit at the sample index of each 8-bit source pixel is displayed as a 1-bit color: black for 0 or white for 1. |
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Bit Sum Threshold For each 8-bit source pixel, the bits are summed. If the sum of the 8 bits is greater than or equal to 4, the pixel is displayed as white. If the sum is less than 4, the pixel is displayed as black. |
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Cycling Bit Sum Threshold For each new video frame a threshold number increments, cycling from 0 to 7. For each 8-bit source pixel, the bits are summed. If the sum of the 8 bits is greater than or equal to the threshold, the pixel is displayed as white. If the sum is less than the threshold, the pixel is displayed as black. |
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Cycling Bit Sum Match For each new video frame a match number increments, cycling from 0 to 7. For each 8-bit source pixel, the bits are summed. If the sum of the 8 bits equals the match number, the pixel is displayed as white. If the sum does not equal the match number, the pixel is displayed as black. |
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Bit Sum Odd/Even For each 8-bit source pixel, the bits are summed. If the sum of the 8 bits is an odd number, the pixel is displayed as white. If the sum is an even number, the pixel is displayed as black. |
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Average Color Bit Grid Each new video frame is divided into 3 pixel x 3 pixel grids. The 9 pixels in each grid are averaged together into a single 8-bit value. Each bit in this value is assigned to a pixel in the grid. Each pixel is displayed as white if its corresponding bit is 1 and black if its bit is 0. The pixel at the center of each grid is displayed as black. |
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Bit Sum Index For each 8-bit source pixel, the bits are summed. The sum is assigned as the sample index. The bit at the sample index is displayed as a 1-bit color: black for 0 or white for 1. |